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MEN OPEN UP - shining a light on male mental health

Photographic exhibition shining a light on male mental health

in support of CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

My brother Stan never spoke about his mental illness, he covered it up, and three years ago he took his own life. My hope with this new exhibition is that it might, in some small way, encourage men to open up and talk about their mental health, to their mates and their families, to seek therapy from the many different types that are out there, and to find peace and calm through creativity (including photography!).

I have photographed eight local men of all ages, who have opened up to me and shared their own story about their struggles. I feel this was an admirable and courageous thing to do, and I am hugely grateful for their participation in this exhibition.

Billie Charity

Alongside Billie’s photographs of local men, the exhibition features:

Hereford-based psychotherapist and photographer Clive Oxford, who has supplied pictures of the anonymised clinical notes he has made when providing therapy for some of his male clients.

Abergavenny-based photographer Glenn Dene, who has provided self-portraits taken while recovering from a breakdown.

London-based photographer Darren Russell, who worked with Stan Charity and has provided images from a touring exhibition ‘My Mate’, which is motivated by Stan’s story.

The exhibition is dedicated to Stan Charity, who died by suicide aged 40

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